OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Isometric Style Configuration - Detail Sketch

Detail Sketches may be shown in an isometric to better visualize the graphical/technical details of certain components. These sketches are stored in a .CEL file. By default an empty Detail_Sketches.cel file is included with the OpenPlant Isometrics Manager install and added to the following directory:


The style.cfg file for each iso type contains the following section, which tells Isometrics Manager where to search for the .cel files.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# IE_CELL_LIST specifies the names of the cell libraries used by IsoExtractor.
#  - the cell libraries are to be located in IE_CELL.
#  - the order listed is the order in which the libs are polled for a cell
#  - format is a comma separated list of cell lib names
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  IE_CELL_LIST = custom.cel, lisocomp.cel, detail_sketches.cel

This file is located in the following directory for each isometric style:

Note: If you have created your own detail sketch .cel file, then you can place it in the appropriate Cell directory and add it to the IE_CELL_LIST above.
The Detail Sketches page (shown below) in the Isometrics Style Configuration interface allows you to define options for the detail sketches such as placement location, Naming format, Scale etc.
Placement No Details Sketches: No detail sketches will display when selected.
  • Inline: This option is not available at this time.
  • - Displays the detail sketches along the top of the isometric.
Naming Determine whether the detail id uses a Number (1,2,3) or character (letter) in the isometric. For example, a component may have a annotation which states "See Detail A", which refers the user to the corresponding detail sketch. The following options are available:
  • Number: Lists the detail id as 1,2,3 etc.
  • Character: Lists the detail sketch id as A,B,C etc.
Scale Enter the scale factor for the Detail Sketch. The recommended scale is 100. The default is 1.
Border Size (mm) Specifies the minimum distance between component graphics in the sketch and the border of the sketch window. The value is defined in millimeters, the default is 2
Detail Sketch Level Name Define a level on which the Detailed Sketches will be placed. There are several predefined levels (including a default Detailed Sketches level) in the list to choose from or you can define a new level if preferred.